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A simple way to invest

ETFs are investment funds that can be bought from the stock exchange like individual stocks.

Why invest in ETFs?

  • Buying and selling ETF investment funds are traded just like company stocks.
  • You can hold them with us for free up to a value of 100,000 euros.
  • You save time and money because buying individual stocks separately is more expensive and requires more thorough analysis.
  • You can better diversify risks because your portfolio is less sensitive to the decline of individual stocks.

What are ETFs (exchange-traded funds)?

ETFs are investment funds (mutual funds) that are listed on stock exchange and may consist of several asset classes, such as equities, bonds, commodities.


  • By just one investment you get a basket of products: from stocks and bonds to commodities and currencies.
  • With every investment in ETF instruments, the assets are distributed across a range of investment targets resulting in increased diversification and reduced investment risk.


  • A major part of investors lack time or knowledge to keep track of each stock of companies representing the field they’re interested in.
  • Investing in ETFs saves time and gives an opportunity to invest in industries or indexes that you find interesting and feel confident about.


  • During stock exchange trading session, ETFs are traded just like company stocks.
  • ETF units can be purchased and sold quickly in the preferred quantity at a price acceptable to you.

What risks does it entail?

  • ETFs, just like any other investment instruments, are also subject to various risks, such as market risk, interest rate risk, currency risk and others.
  • It is important to be aware of those risks and to assess them on a continuous basis*.

*More info on the potential risks can be found from Guide to Financial Instruments and Conditions for Providing Investment Services.

  1. Before your first investment, you need to open securities account. We also suggest you to open investment account for more convenient income tax declaration.

    Why do you need securities account?

    • You can make investments in various financial instruments, such as ETFs, equities, bonds etc.
    • Without investment account it is not possible to invest into such instruments.
    • It is possible to make securities transfers or receive securities from third parties or family members.
    • In Swedbank you will benefit from free of charge safekeeping for portfolios of up to €100,000.

    More about securities account.

    Why to open investment account?

    • Investment account is separate account where you can deposit your money that will be used for investments in various financial instruments, such as ETFs, equities, bonds etc.
    • No worries about declaring the earned income or loss and paying the income tax after each sales transaction.
    • Easy to declare annually as you can send the investment account annual report from the internet banking to the Tax and Customs Board with few clicks.
    • A possibility to make transfers to your investment account with another bank.
    • Opening and keeping an investment account is free of charge.

    More about investment account.

  2. Choose your preferred exchange-traded fund (ETF)
  3. Place an order for buying exchange-traded funds (ETF)

In case of ETFs investments, the investors themselves are liable for any applicable taxes according to the Private Income Tax Law.

If you are using investment account:

  • No worries about declaring the earned income or loss and paying the income tax after each sales transaction.
  • Easy to declare as you can send the investment account annual report from the internet banking to the Tax and Customs Board with few clicks.

If you only have securities account:

  • After each securities sales transaction you need to calculate if loss or income was earned.
  • You yourself need to annually prepare and declare income from capital gain for income tax calculation.

  • Further information on payable and paid charges is available from the Bank.
  • If the Bank is obliged to pay taxes, fees, interest, penalties or incur other costs (that are not covered in the Bank’s price list below) for the provision of securities safekeeping and transaction services to the Client, the Bank shall have the right to debit such amounts from the Client’s Current Account without Client consent.

Account opening

Effective as of 01.12.2024
Securities Account
Internet bank free of charge
Branch office free of charge

Account closing

All securities account types free of charge

Account statements
  • Bank account statements available free of charge from internet bank.
  • Statement fees are subject VAT.
  • For accounts opened with Estonian register of securities, account opening statement and statements of holdings and transactions for securities registered with the register are available at daily weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual frequency. Periodic statements are available free of charge at Nasdaq CSD Estonian branch Estonia webpage.

Bank statements
Securities account statement of holdings / transactions from branch office 2 €
Copy of transaction instruction 2 €
Nasdaq CSD Estonian branch statements 2 €

Trading of equities, bonds and Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) shares
  • Percentage based trading fees calculated from trade amount, in certain cases transaction fee will be added.
  • Trading fee is charged in trading currency based on the Bank’s exchange rates.
  • Trading via brokerage is subject to the Master Agreement for Financial Transactions. Information on the agreement is available from the Bank.
  • Trading orders transmitted to the Bank can be cancelled until executed.
  • In case the order is not executed in full during a single trading day, the trading fee (including minimum trading fee) for partial order execution is charged in full for each trading day when part of the order is executed.
  • On certain markets, minimum transaction amounts may apply.
  • A stamp duty of 0,5% of transaction amount on buying UK securities and 1% on buying Irish securities is added to the transaction charges. In certain events, a higher rate (1,5%), a bonus rate or tax exemption may apply for UK securities.
  • If purchase transactions are subject to FTT according to local market regulations (e.g. France, Italy, Spain and Hungary), such tax is added to the transaction charges.
  • Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are treated as shares.
  • Trading via Swedbank brokerage on other markets is subject to prior agreement with the Bank.

Shares and ETF-s Securities account in internet bank
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania free of charge
Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, USA, Germany, UK, Canada, Netherlands, France, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Czech 0,14%, min 9,90 €
Shares and ETF-s Branch office Via brokerage
Shares and ETF-s
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
Branch office
0,2%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 50 €
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,2%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 500 SEK
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,2%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 50 €
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,2%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 400 DKK
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,2%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 400 NOK
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,2%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 50 USD
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,2%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 50 €
Shares and ETF-s
UK (London SE)
Branch office
0,2%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 50 GBP
Shares and ETF-s
UK London International (Russian and other GDRs)
Branch office
0,2%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 50 USD
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,2%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 50 CAD
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,2%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 50 €
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,2%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 50 €
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,2%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 50 €
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,2%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 50 €
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,2%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 50 €
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,2%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 50 €
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,2%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 50 €
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,2%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 50 CHF
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,25%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,25%, min 50 €
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,25%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,25%, min 200 PLN
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,25%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,25%, min 15000 HUF
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,25%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,25%, min 1300 CZK
Shares and ETF-s
Branch office
0,6%, min 50 €
Via brokerage
0,6%, min 150 BGN
Bonds Internet bank Via brokerage
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
Internet bank
0,2%, min 3 €
Via brokerage
0,2%, min 50 €
Trading in bonds in all other applicable markets via Swedbank brokerage
Internet bank
Via brokerage
0,5%, min 50 €
Transaction fee (all instruments)
Internet bank
included in trading fee
Via brokerage
3€ Baltic markets
4€ other markets

Transactions with investment fund units
  • Percentage based fees calculated from trade amount.
  • Fund orders submitted to the Bank cannot be cancelled.
  • Fund switch subject to the conditions specified in the fund terms, fee charged only on sell transaction.
  • Foreign fund transaction fee includes standard settlement fees charged by the Bank’s Custodians.
  • Other Estonian funds – subscription and redemption fee may be added subject to fund terms.

  Subscription Regular investment Redemption Switch
Swedbank Group funds
free of charge
Regular investment
free of charge
free of charge
free of charge
 SubscriptionRegular investmentRedemptionSwitch
Other foreign fixed income funds
Franklin Templeton funds
0,5% + 7 €
Regular investment
0,5%, min 0,75 €
7 €
7 €
Funds managed by other management companies
0,5% + 21 €
Regular investment
21 €
21 €
 SubscriptionRegular investmentRedemptionSwitch
Other foreign equity and mixed funds
Franklin Templeton funds
1% + 7 €
Regular investment
1%, min 0,75 €
1% + 7 €
7 €
Funds managed by other management companies
1% + 21 €
Regular investment
1% + 21 €
21 €
Other Estonian funds
1,5 €
Regular investment
0,75 €
5 €
5 €
Other transactions with Estonian securities and fund units
Fees charged from both parties of the transaction.
Free of payment transaction 4,8 €
Against payment transaction 3,2 €
Pledge registration / amendment / appropriation 15 €
Transfer of pledged securities 30 €
Pledge release free of charge

Other transactions with foreign securities and foreign funds
  • Fees charged from both parties of the transaction.
  • Bank internal transactions are transactions between the securities accounts of the Bank’s clients.
  • Transaction fee includes standard settlement fees charged by the Bank’s Custodians.

Bank internal transactions 6 €
Bank external transaction
Latvia, Lithuania 10 €
Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Eurobond, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UK, USA 15 €
Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland 25 €
Bulgaria, Russia 45 €
Foreign funds 45 €
Other transaction fees
Cancellation is allowed if instruction is not yet processed by the Bank.
Transaction cancellation transaction fee
Other transactions based on bailiff’s instructions transaction fee
Subscription to a new issue / Participating in an offer transaction fee

Monthly Securities Safekeeping Fees
  • Safekeeping fees are subject VAT. VAT exemption applies if client safekeeps only units or shares of investment funds specified in the Investment Funds Act or investment/ exchange traded funds of the EEA member state.
  • Safekeeping fee is calculated based on the portfolio value on the last date of the calendar month. Securities are priced according to month end prices of the Bank’s local agents, market price or nominal value. Bonds are priced at nominal value. Fees are debited on the 20th or later date of the following month from the Client’s current account linked to the securities account.
  • ETF safekeeping fee equals to the safekeeping fee of its trading country.
  • Safekeeping on other countries is subject to prior agreement with the Bank.
  • Other investments: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA, Depositary Receipts, Poland, Czech, Hungary, Bulgaria, Russia, foreign funds

Swedbank Group funds free of charge
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania free of charge
Other investments, equities, bonds
Up to 100 000 € free of charge
From the value above 100 000 € 0,008%, max 8 €
Safekeeping of Depositary Receipts (ADR, GDR) is subject to the respective DR Agent’s fees in addition to safekeeping fee.

Other Services
  • Fees for other services are subject VAT.
  • Tax relief at source / tax reclaim and general meeting services are subject to availability on each specific market.
  • Maintenance fee is charged in addition to monthly securities safekeeping fee. Actual cost amount depends on the costs of service on each specific market.
  • Tax reclaim fee will be debited as soon as the tax reclaim application is submitted by the client. The fee will be debited from clients cash Account which is linked to securities account. The fee will not be refunded in case the application is denied by third parties.

Mandatory corporate actions free of charge
Participation through the bank / representing a client at a general meeting 120 € + actual costs
Processing of electronic voting instructions at general meeting 50 € + actual costs
Other corporate action subject to prior agreement
Tax reclaim 60 € + actual costs
Tax relief at source free of charge

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From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

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